To be a better writer, write every day

woman exercising indoors

Think of the old days.

No computers.

No internet.

No phone.

All you have is a pen and paper—a spike and stone.

If we want our words to carry a message to the world, we must understand the system.

Grab the spike, pen, or keyboard, and hammer out the way we see the world.

No need to be clever or intelligent.

We have to practice writing every day.

The habit of writing yada yada is powerful.

Grab the pen and paper and start drawing circles. Write jibberish. Write whatever the heart desires.

For me, it feels wrong if I skip a day of writing.

If I skip the bench press, my muscles get flabby.

If I skip drinking water, my joints feel stiff.

Get the system under control and you’ll be amazed at your work.