War GAMES, The Great Upset, & Renewable Mental Energy

Hey friends,

Winter is coming.

And the sniffles and coughs of recession are on the rise.

Energy is getting crushed all around the world.

The dollar is getting crushed too.

Pressing down on our way of life.

What else….

Blackouts, floods, storms, inflation, and war games.

And to top it off, we have a trend of the great reset, resulting in the great upset.

And in this issue, I talk about the big clunky monster called the ENEMY & the beautiful light of ENERGY.

First, a quick run of my return back to coal.

You see, I work in one of the dominant energy field.


Top surface coal.

And it is a gazillion dollar industry.

Pricey metal to operate.

Pricey product to ship for a world loaded with rolling blackouts.

And the world is in a slow, deep, and hard need of it right now.

You see, many people see coal as the enemy.

Dirty, dusty black rock helping keep the lights on.

It’s been a big topic over the past decade and years to come.

But is this energy source the enemy?

For many countries, leaders are QUIETLY asking for it before the harsh winter comes.

And I don’t blame them. Because more people die in bitterly cold winters than in dripping wet summers.

Have you seen the chaos from Europe and across the waters to California?

“Please… Adjust your air conditioning to 78 degrees.”


What about hospitals?

What about newborns and the elderly?

What about your uncle Bob needing his heart machine plugged in 24/7?

You can’t dabble in the field energy in your home…

… and in your mind.

You see, people want to engage with the ENEMY installments with breaking news, war games, and money… instead of their own mental energy.

It’s not good to engage with the enemy from the outside world. Because it’s always a conversation about what YOU DON’T WANT.

The enemy in your mind is a liar.

An accuser.

A deceiver.

And the enemy loves to look for people when a guard down. Planting seeds of doubt and shutting off the bright light in your mind.

Instead, we should be engaged with the energy of the mind with what we DO WANT!

Have you set up solar panels in your mind to absorb light to convert it into warm and loving thoughts?

If not, you should.

Like… right freakin now!

How so?

Two things come to mind.

  1. Walk with your higher being.
  2. Journal with your higher being.

Need another jab?

Okie dookie.

Walking is critical to fuel the strange loop in your mind and body. HEAVY thoughts of the past and mistakes on your back are getting heavy and wet. You must go out to start asking burning questions and dry out your burdens and ash on your soul. No podcast. No headphones. Nothing, but you and your higher being. I believe with every silver and black hair on my head that you will get the answers you need to take on the battle with a simple walk and letting thoughts bubble to the top.

Next up is the mighty journal.

When you journal, you voluntarily spill heavenly blood on paper. You enter another dimension of time and space. Your mind becomes a time traveler and can go back or forward to whatever your heart desires. It’s training. It’s a pure practice of privacy. It’s stopping the accuser in its tracks and melting the ground of the enemies in your mind. All of a sudden, you become the director and producer of your fantasies and situations. Journal whenever possible. Get to the truth. Make it an easy, fifteen-minute habit.

Can you do it?

Of course.

Do you want to do it?


See how much control you have with simple tasks…………..

You aren’t lazy.

You might just have an addiction to boredom and avoiding truth.

Go fly with yourself.

Get really good at talking with yourself.

Get to know the real you.

You are made in the image of your higher self in another dimension.

Everything on this planet will rust in time.

All the coins and structures will return to dust.

But the memories last forever.

Write and walk to get top notch renewable mental energy.

Stay hot out there.