3 Screwy Ways To Become A Creative Machine

Here are a few ways I tap into my creative space and rejuvenate my energy.

  • Beer night.

Miller Lite. Cheap. Low key. Frosty and bites my tongue. Nice buzz. After feeling the buzz, I stop and write notes and audio record my thoughts.

  • Pizza night.

Green peppers, cheap crust, and pepperoni slices. Something strange happens to me when I warp back to pizza parties as a kid. A story floats up… A story I can share on the Twitter machine.

  • Movie/TV night.

Hordes of ideas come to me when I watch a Tiger King. I like to take the focus off of my problems and joys, and give it the screen. Tada! Turns out everyone is flawed…

The key here is to connect dots with my own experiences and share.


… It turns out that I don’t know anything.

I don’t know anything about Universe, social workers, Nazis, law, and government.

If I did know everything, I wouldn’t write, share and connect.

I wouldn’t feel the need to share or build.

Takeaway: Once I get all of the feel-good things out of my system, my mind wants to go back to normal mode.

Rest from the grind to get back to the grind.