How A Safety Meeting Turned A Rough Biker To Tears

I get yanked to a safety meeting.

Twelve coal miners join me. We get the day to mix ideas, give feedback and help improve the safety program.

Warm building and lunch provided! Woohoo!

Most of the group are older men around 50 years old. One guy is BIG! He LOVES to ride Harleys. His long grey beard is hard to miss!

But this day flipped on its head.

You see, we also had the coordinating assistant attend the meeting. She is a tiny, older woman. You could see silver in short black hair. Soft-spoken voice. Anyhoo, it’s lunchtime.

While gobbling lunch…

We ALL notice the assistant in silence. Eyes closed. Hands clasped together. Praying before she eats. Not one bit distracted by her environment or worried if someone mocks her…

And then I hear weeping…

This BIG biker could NOT contain the power of her humility. Like a little girl praying before bed. Giving all her gratitude and worries to God. The signal sent out to everyone in the room SPOKE loud… without a single word out her mouth.

The world around you is watching.

You might think she is a sheep in the middle of a pack of wolves. To her, all is SAFE. Invisible protection while being thankful. Her act of praise turned the lead wolf into a puppy.

We can never get rid of problems.

But we can change our FOCUS of the problem.

Look up to the promise. No longer troubled by your surroundings.