One Way To Avoid Panic Porn

“You can’t talk people out of a panic… they sure love it.” Elon Musk Joe Rogan Experience #1609
Riding out in a school bus caked in coal dust and busted fenders. A new hire chatted with a few coal cronies and spilled some news. “I have a degree in forestry. It didn’t like it.”
Wait a sec…
This new coal hire went college and pay up thousands, earned a degree, and wants out? It puts a boogie in my ear and my brain starts dancing around with my skills of detecting panic.
Funny this is, when you start to do something riskier, most want you to stay put.
“Take it easy. The huge risk is involved… you could screw up your whole life! It looks like a BAD move.”
Do you notice how uncomfortable people get when you try something extraordinary?
Always always always keep in mind, most systems require you to plop your tushy in front of the tube and program your mind with Panic Porn…
Tip: When you pull out of any system, you threaten and weaken the system.
Ask yourself: “Why is the unknown so scary? Why do I have to keep getting approval from others? Why am I putting ALL my faith in people I don’t know? Why am I NOT trusting something BIGGER than me? What am I put on earth to do?”
You and I aren’t put on earth to pay bills and die.
Play with questions. Questions are better than answers.