How To Break Free From Shiny Object Syndrome

The squishy meat in my skull soaks about the past…
In 7th grade, I tried to look smart to my classmates. I pulled out my blue pen while in a group study. Tapping the pen on my lip…
Surprised by a nasty chemical taste on my tongue!
Smearing blue all over my face. A giant blue dot on my “hand-me-down jeans” is the immediate signal of the drippy pen!
With 100% focus on looking smart, I handed over my embarrassment on a silver platter.
Not a SINGLE classmate saved me from further smearing and embarrassment—a BIG clue to understanding my fellow humans.
You see, my classmates (and all groups) leverage the ugly duckling.
That’s why bullies and nerds are a part of culture. In this case, competition of who looks funny in class. Humans are always seeking rank.
When you start to observe, it’s obvious people pretend.
Place on your psychotainment googles and grab a greasy bucket of popcorn. Did you notice how many people DON’T look you in the eye while shopping for groceries? Yet they know you are there…
They rely ONLY on impressions!
Trotting off to something more ugly, sexy, colorful, and bizarre. It’s a different story if you waltzed in with a clown outfit and rainbow hair.
My classmates could have helped me out…
But it’s a much better story at lunch to say, “He had it all over his face! He didn’t even know! Hilarious!”
Your fellow human is bored with work.
When you break free from chasing shiny, bizarre, and new… Your focus shifts from comparisonitis to positive progress.
Help yourself by not pretending your fellow humans have flaws.
We all do!
The one chasing the NEW thing is destined for upset.