How I Met Your Wild Opportunity

Last night’s rerun episode of How I Met Your Mother was a doozy…

Ted gets ditched by his roomies, Barney, Lily, and Marshal. Ted sits at the bar with 3 sweaty bottles of beer. He bumps into Trudy, a WILD woman with who he once dated. AND… Trudy’s old sorority sister Rachel shows up too…

It’s obvious Ted is drooling over the two vixens.

Ted gets blasted with a major surprise! Trudy and Rachel want a 3some. Everything pops into gear! They finish their drinks and go up to his apartment. Marshall, Lily, and Barney hear them and hide out in Ted’s bedroom!

While in hiding, Barney is furious that Ted for getting this opportunity…

You see, Barney and Ted are in a face-off challenge to do what most men have never experienced… THE TRICYCLE! And the winner gets a giant-sized sex championship belt.

Ted and his dates cuddle and smooch…

With this wild and hot opportunity, Ted starts to overthink. The belt… the lust… the fear of success!? Ted blurts out “It’s late! I’ll get your coats.” The women look confused and Ted darts off…

The fear of success can freeze ANYONE!

I’m not saying a 3some is a serious success… But I am saying the fear of success hits hard while getting close to the win. Thinking to yourself “What then? What happens after this experience?”

The anticipation and wonder of “what’s behind the curtain” feels better than the real end result.

Procrastination slips in when there is nothing to look forward to.

Don’t overthink.

Enjoy the process.