How I Grab The Future Rope And Pull It In My Direction

From 13-year coal miner to 2-year psychotainment copywriter.

For years I visioned getting out of the pit.

And I’m glad I didn’t give up, regardless of my situation.

You see, I always have problems. And some are difficult to handle.

But I do my best to position my thinking and “this problem isn’t the problem. The problem is how I think about the problem.”

It’s how I choose my thoughts and create mental movies.

The future is NOW.

I pull the future self to me in the NOW and celebrate the promise to come.

I want to share a map to get you started.

To get CLEAR and agree with the endpoint.

You get to fill in the gaps as you pull your best self to yourself.

You get to choose what you want to be.

Exploit ••••••• Value

Force ••••••• Power

Belligerent •••••••• Peaceful

Attack ••••••• Defend

Arrogant ••••••• Confident

Extreme ••••••• Balance

Have-to ••••••• Choosing-to

Hard ••••••• Tender

Be the future right now.