Cults and Copy: Heavens Gate & Psychotainment Copywriting

March 26, 1997, San Diego deputies discovered 39 dead bodies. The largest mass suicide on United States soil.

The cult: Heavens Gate

Heavens Gate leader: Marshall Applewhite.

The mission: Wait 22 years to grab a ride with comet Hale-Bopp and enter what the cult calls, The Next Level.

Yeppers… class has ended on earth.

Applesauce + poison + vodka is their farewell ticket.

Another bizarre twist. Applewhite had each male member castrated. AND he removed their birth-given named and slapped on a new name until “takeoff.”

It’s obvious the ridiculous control from Applewhite.

The big question for us humans: How the hell did Applewhite “sell the idea” to 39 humans to end their life?

We may never know the real truth behind his rituals.

But we do know this: 22 years, Applewhite teased a “Wonderland in the sky” for his cult cronies. Constant reminders of a utopian destination.

Applewhite sold his idea of freedom and wonder.

Yes it’s creepy. But this is why I’m writing this essay.

Psychotainment copywriting requires reading bizarre stories and studying behavior.

My mission is to help people see and discern what is good and bad in marketing and copywriting.

Think about it. Moms sell kids the idea to eat veggies.

Men sell the idea to watch UFC with friends instead of staying home.

Don’t be spooked by cults and sales.

Be informed.

Study behavior.

Research the world!