Mind Control Tricks And Ultimate Freedom

“They’re coming to get you, Barbara” – Night Of The Living Dead.

Johnny teases her sister, Barbara, while visiting their late father. Suddenly they see a strange man lurking in the cemetery. It turns ugly when the stranger attacks Barbara. 

Barbara manages to pull away while Johnny jumps in and fights off the deranged intruder.

Unfortunately, Johnny gets his face mangled off by the intruder…

I used to watch horror movies as a kid. It fried the meat computer in my skull!

I was always looking behind my back… living in my own horror movie—a dangerous way to live because it introduced depression. 

When I think back, I am glad it happened because it revealed a big secret and helped me bust out of the anxiety trap and 9-5 job.

Here it is – Horror films programmed my brain to play the role of Barbara and every victim of a scary story!

A slimy, abusive, hypnotic mind control pounding into my brain for years! 

You see, I started to notice in my early twenties that guzzling Jack Daniels every night numbed me enough to escape my reality. And it worked… until I started losing friends and treating my family like shit.

It wasn’t until I watched myself in the bathroom mirror and broke down. I had no friends. Only an empty bottle of JD. 

And then a bizarre moment unfolded while staring in the mirror…

I can allow reality to overwhelm me, or I can overwhelm reality.

God code took over for a brief moment, and everything was silent. All I could see was this meat suit full of chemicals.

Like playing a video game.

Obstacles didn’t feel like obstacles anymore.

At that moment, I allowed a new God code: worship no other human or material.

Why am I telling you this?

Anyone or anything that wants to control me has led me to believe I need it to feel satisfied.

Here is the truth: I already have everything I need.

You do too.