A 20 Gets You Access

By this time next month, the numbers will change.

The numbers will switch into your favor.

Because you sliced throw the jungle.

The jungle ahead is slapping back at you with every step you take.

This is the best way to get through.

20% of your area, is the machete. Making it 5%

What a deal!

5% of your area is the key to getting through the jungle.

The burning question is…

… what is your weapon of choice in your current problem?

Go find it!!

Here is a fight – I give you a plastic fork and you give me a pistol.

Who wins?

Not a fair fight.

Therefore one will win from almost any speed and distance, while the other fails miserably.

This is most businesses.

It’s your job to find what makes this tiny “thing” move it all!

It’s just a tiny area of the entire system.

Tiny hinges swing big doors.

Get that?

Right on!